Basic Course In Microwave Engineering

  • 5.0
  • (1+ reviews)


This course is basically designed for beginners like undergraduate students who wants to enter in Microwave Engineering field.  This course aims at teaching of Analysis of S parameters and Design and Analysis of Microwave Transmission lines. S-parameters (also called S-matrix or scattering parameters) represent the linear characteristics of RF electronic circuits and components. From the S-parameter matrix, you can calculate characteristics of linear networks such as gain, loss, impedance, phase group delay, and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). A transmission line is a connector which transmits energy from one point to another. The study of transmission line theory is helpful in the effective usage of power and equipment.

There are basically four types of transmission lines −

  • Two-wire parallel transmission lines

  • Coaxial lines

  • Strip type substrate transmission lines

  • Waveguides

While transmitting or while receiving, the energy transfer has to be done effectively, without the wastage of power. To achieve this, there are certain important parameters which has to be considered.

Main Parameters of a Transmission Line

The important parameters of a transmission line are resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance.

Resistance and inductance together are called as transmission line impedance.

Capacitance and conductance together are called as admittance.


The resistance offered by the material out of which the transmission lines are made, will be of considerable amount, especially for shorter lines. As the line current increases, the ohmic loss (I2Rloss) also increases.


In an AC transmission line, the current flows sinusoidally. This current induces a magnetic field perpendicular to the electric field, which also varies sinusoidally. This is well known as Faraday's law.


There will be a leakage current between the transmission line and the ground, and also between the phase conductors. This small amount of leakage current generally flows through the surface of the insulator. Inverse of this leakage current is termed as Conductance. It is denoted by "G".


The voltage difference between the Phase conductors gives rise to an electric field between the conductors. The two conductors are just like parallel plates and the air in between them becomes dielectric. This pattern gives rise to the capacitance effect between the conductors.

Course Info

Created by Vandana Sawant
1 hour on-demand video
8 lectures
154+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on May 21, 2023


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